
Audiobook Titles Available and Coming Soon.

My Gear

  • A 4x4 WhisperRoom tucked into a former walk-in closet. I can shut the sliding mirror doors and resume my family life after a day spent talking to myself. Keeps me sane… enough.

  • Sennheiser microphone

    Focusrite Scarlet 2i2

    Sony MDR-7506 headphones

  • Twisted Wave

    iZotope RX 10 Standard

    T7 1 TB SSD Designated External Storage

    Running on a Mac Mini

Author Baer Charlton

"It's a guilty pleasure to steal 15 minutes from the day... and sit quietly listening to words I had forgotten, put through their paces, as they are so exquisitely acted. Thank you again." 

Kind Words from Authors

Author Rebecca K O’Connor

“You have a casual but precise style and this touch of whiskey and chocolate in your voice that I'm always a sucker for when I listen to books. Thank you so much for making me forget I wrote this piece and fall in love with it.”

Author Jeff Berney

“You're a pro! I really can't tell you enough

how much I love your read.” 

This photo hangs in my Dad’s office.

About me…

Getting a half dozen books in grade school and having one finished by the time my family got home, might have been the start. I fell in love with acting shortly after, which is story-telling, but you’re usually limited to playing just one character in the story. Audiobooks allow me to play all the characters which is one of many reasons I enjoy narration so much.

As my Dad says, I’m an avid learner. My passions and experience include horses~I’ve been an equestrian (English & Western); a stunt performer doing 10 shows a day as the iconic Sarah Connor in Terminator 2:3D at Universal Studios Hollywood ; a nature photographer; I studied French for 6 years and am currently studying Spanish; I taught myself to quilt and install granite tile.

So far, everything but granite tile installation has come up in a role or an audiobook. I’m confident it could still happen…

I have a BFA in Theatre and decades of experience in Stage, Television, Film and Voice-Over. I’ve voiced a 6’6” spiky alien mercenary squadmate for Mass Effect: Andromeda and a Christmas cookie for Target.

Reviews have used the descriptive words warm, authoritative and badass more than once, and I’m good with that.
